Why Multicorp

Mission Statement

Provide well maintained, safe, comfortable, and energy efficient properties in Ottawa’s rental market. Attract and retain well-qualified, caring, and responsible tenants.

About Multicorp

Multicorp Realty Inc was formed in the 2005 with a mission to manage properties with utmost care and to provide quality living to tenants in a secure and well cared for environment. In the short span of less than 10 years, Multicorp Realty has filled the void in the Ottawa’s local rental housing market by providing clean, safe and well-maintained rental homes to qualified tenants.

At Multicorp Realty we are devoted to improving the quality of properties that are available to our renters by providing high-quality, safe, and energy efficient rental units in Ottawa. Our company is dedicated to achieving a hassle free living environment in which our tenants can enjoy all of the benefits of safe, attractive, and comfortable units.

Multicorp maintains competitive market prices, while working towards expanding the number of units managed.

Multicorp Management

Managed by a professional team of well-qualified Realtors, Engineers, Property Managers, and Client Care Specialists carrying more than 40 years of experience dealing with real estate, property, and customer management. Multicorp Realty Inc. CEO, Jagdeep Perhar, is a real estate broker and a well known community activist. He is also currently the President of ‘India Canada Association’, responsible for looking after social and cultural needs of Indo Canadians living here in National Capital region.

Multicorp Property & Tenant Profile

In a short span of less than 10 years, Multicorp has grown to a level where we currently manage more than 125 properties with an asset base of 60 million plus. Our Property Profile comprises of multi-unit complexes, row units and single homes. We manage more than 300 qualified tenants with a profile mixture of young families and more than 125 students studying at Ottawa University, Carleton University, and Algonquin College.

We have lots of international students as our tenants who have come to Canada to complete their education. They have come from Europe, Asia, the United States and Mexico. We offer them clean and secure rentals to live so they can focus on their studies. We also provide them basic assistance such as setting up necessities like cell phone connectivity, banking, and local transportation while they settle in Ottawa.

Over 100 Properties In Ottawa


Smart Property Search

Smart property Search that allows to customize search according to the user needs.

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100+ Satisfied Users

More than 100 + users satisfied with our services who continue to support us actively.

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We Are Here To Help You

For any kind of help or assistance, feel free to get in touch with us.

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