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Rent Cheques are made payable to Multicorp Realty Inc. Please mail your rent cheque to
3 Forest Gate way,  Nepean, ON.  K2G 6P2

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Email transfer is our preferred method of rent payment. Please send your e-transfer to rent@MulticorpRealty.com
Security Question: Rent payment
Security Answer: Multicorp

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Please send request email to rent@multicorprealty.com and provide following information.
– Property address
– Name of the tenant
– Phone number of the tenant
– Email address of the tenant
On receipt of above information, office will contact tenant and provide banking information to allow for direct deposit.

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No, we don’t have the facility to accept credit cards at this time, but this functionality is coming soon.

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Yes, you can. Two step process
Step 1: Contact office and get a void cheque of Multicorp Realty Inc.
Step 2: Authorize your bank to transfer the rent money monthly on 1st of every month,

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Option 1: Send your rent via E-Transfer. Email Address: rent@MulticorpRealty.com
Option 2: send your rent via mail. Cheque to be made payable to “Multicorp Realty Inc.” and mail it to “3 Forest Gate way, Nepean, ON. K2G 6P2”

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