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Rental Referrals

When a referral is received at Multicorp Realty, name of the sender is also recorded along with the time stamp of information received.

If this is the unique referral received ( this person is not in our database from some other referral), then a confirmation email will be sent to the sender.

If you have received confirmation email, you will get referral bonus if this person leases a property from Multicorp Realty Inc.

PS: All referrals received are valid for 6 months only.

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All referrals are paid within 2 weeks of occupancy by the Tenant.

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At Multicorp Realty, we value your referrals and reward as per our following policy.

Referrals received from existing tenants of Multicorp Realty:

Referral bonus for Residential student houses: $200.00 per student
Referral bonus for Residential houses: $500.00 per family
Referral bonus for Commercial clients: $1000.00 per business

Referrals received from OLD tenants of Multicorp Realty OR from public:

Referral bonus for Residential student houses: $100.00 per student
Referral bonus for Residential houses: $250.00 per family
Referral bonus for Commercial clients: $500.00 per business

NOTE: Please keep visiting Referrals section of the website as we do keep having promotions and pay more rewards for some properties.

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